LoRaWAN® Technology IoT Products

Building Blocks

Catena 4610

This single-board IoT device for LoRaWAN® technology projects is ready to go. Feather compatible, with radio, on-board T/P/RH/light sensors, provisions for screw terminals and more.

Catena 4612

Tiny but mighty, this single-board IoT device for LoRaWAN® technology projects performs measurements like a rock star … no external components required!

Catena 4801

Do one thing, but do it well: Modbus, M-Bus, other RS485 devices measured and controlled via your favorite LoRaWAN® technology network.

Catena 4802

Image of Catena 4802
Expand your reach! Use the huge variety of Qwicc devices, add Modbus,sense local temperature/humidity, and communicate via any LoRaWAN® technology network.

Catena 4618

Front view of MCCI Catena 4618
Featuring robust temperature/humidity sensor (the SHT31-DIS-F from Sensirion), this single-board IoT device for LoRaWAN® technology excels in outdoor and indoor environmental monitoring applications.

Remote sensors and accessories

Model 4811

Image of Model 4811 Remote Power Meter

Measure up to three AC power circuits (100V to 600V, up to 6000A), and report in real time via LoRaWAN or Sigfox networks.

Model 4815

Model 4815 USB Type-C to RS485 converter
The MCCI® Model 4815 is a USB Type-C® to RS485 Converter board with DIN Rail mounting clips. Ideal for provisioning large NerveCircuit™ metering projects with the MCCI Site Provisioning Tool.

Model 4821

Model 4821 Indoor Environment Sensor
Remotely monitor temperature, humidity, light, and optionally barometric pressure for indoor locations.

Model 4831

Model 4831 Outdoor Environment Sensor
Remotely sense temperature, humidity and light in outdoor locations.

Model 4841

Model 4841 Indoor Air Quality Sensor
Monitor key air quality metrics in real time: PM 2.5, dust concentration, total volatile organic compounds, temperature, and humidity.

Wings for the Adafruit Feather family — add a Feather, or buy from us assembled and tested

Catena 4450

Catena 4450 with Feather and battery
Turn an Feather M0 LoRa into a powerful IoT device. Sensors (T/P/RH/light) and interfacing specifically designed for use with LoRaWAN® technology and The Things Network.

Catena 4460

Know what you’re breathing! This tiny add-on for the Adafruit Feather family combines temperature, pressure, light and humidity with the Bosch IAQ air-quality index, plus MCCI’s tweaks for LoRaWAN® technology networks.

Catena 4470

Industrial control? No problem with this Adafruit Feather add-on. Controls Modbus, M-bus and other RS-485 devices; measures temperature, pressure and humidity, and light. Includes MCCI’s tweaks for LoRaWAN® technology networks.

Tools for Developers

RWC5020B LoRaWAN Tester

RWC5020B Tester

A compact stand-alone tester, providing a perfect solution for test and measurement of LoRaWAN technology devices, which is fully suitable for R&D, QC, and manufacturers. Made in Korea by RedwooodComm, distributed in the eastern US by MCCI’s LoRaWAN experts.

RWC5020M LoRaWAN Tester

Image of RWDC5020M

The computer-controlled version of the RWC5020B allows cost-effective test and measurement of LoRaWAN technology devices and gateways, which is fully suitable for R&D, QC, and manufacturers. Made in Korea by RedwooodComm, distributed in the eastern US by MCCI’s LoRaWAN experts.

RWC5021P Personal Tester

Image of RWC5021P

This compact tester is ideal for LoRaWAN end-device developers. Made in Korea by RedwooodComm, distributed in the US by MCCI’s LoRaWAN experts.

RWC7001A RF Shielding Box

Image of two RWC7001A boxes, one closed, one open

Flexible, effective RF shielding for testing LoRaWAN technology and other wireless devices. 100 dB shielding up to 6.4 GHz. Made in Korea by RedwooodComm, distributed in the US by MCCI’s LoRaWAN experts.

Open-source software

Know what’s in your devices. MCCI’s curated software for LoRaWAN® technology devices is fully open. Our Arduino libraries start with the LoRaWAN MAC, plus higher-level libraries that let you focus on your application, not on data-comms. We also publish Dockerized servers for your data storage and dashboard.