History & Background
Delivered production Type C / embedded TCPC code to first customers. Support for Faraday USB IP block. Introduced CricketUI GUI for USB switch products. Introduced webcam solution for industrial customers with Future Electronics. Model 3141 USB4™ Switch shipping. Delivered prototype of Model 3411 USB 3.2 gen2x1 8 Gbps IN + 8 Gbps reference device, and helped customer to achieve sustained 8+8 Gbps performance on a high-throughput test stand for the semicondtor industry. Support for ST Micro Telemaco USB device. Catena 4802 Modbus sensor node and Model 4841 particulate matter sensors. Helium network support. MCCI official maintainer of Arduino LMIC LoRaWAN stack.
Support for Renesas RCar3 superspeed device on INTEGRITY OS. ASIX USB2 and USB3 USB-Ethernet adapter support in TrueTask USB. Audio 1 and Audio 2 support with feedback endpoint. Model 4822 and 4832 Environmental sensors and 4618 high accuracy sensor nodes deployed in New Orleans and NYC. Launched Grant Houses project for indoor particulate matter monitoring in public housing in NYC
Shipped Model 3501 Type C SuperMUTT and Model 3201 USB 3.2 switch. Industry’s first implementation of USB 3.2 96k isochronous support in host and device stacks. Introduced Catena 4610 family of Adafruit-Feather compatible single-card LoRaWAN devices.
Delivered PD-Auth reference implementation to major semiconductor company. Demonstated LoRaWAN stack on RISC-V core in Lattice iCE40 UltraPlus. Installed Ithaca Power Project, monitoring 10 commercial sites in the Ithaca 2030 District.
Partnership launched with Green Hills Software to support INTEGRITY OS wth True Task USB device and host stacks. IoT initiative begins; initiated The Things Network New York and Taiwan. First LoRaWAN systems delivered for smart ag project in Taiwan.
Microsoft uses MCCI’s TrueTask USB host stack in Windows 10 IoT Core for the Raspberry Pi.
Delivered Apple CarPlay host/device stack to six car navi tier ones in Japan and Taiwan.
Introduced MBIM host drivers for Mac OS X. Support added in UAS class drivers for Renesas Stream API. Added DataPump and TrueTask USB support for Synopsys’ DesignWare ARC processor cores and PLX USB 3.0 device controllers. Delivered xHCI support for WiGig WSE dock. USB DataPump implementations supported LTE-Advanced using MBIM, ECM and RNDIS transports. Support for Audio Class 2.0. Selected by RealVNC as automotive partner.
Delivered OTG stack for Windows tablet applications. Introduced TrueTask® USB, the embedded USB host platform at the heart of our USB 3.0 SuperSpeed host stack for Windows. First production MBIM modems based on USB DataPump.
Introduced the Catena 2210, for testing MirrorLink™ and other NCM-based USB hosts. Introduced NCM class drivers and protocol support for Android. Catena 1910 MIPI HSI test platform. Handover drivers for Windows and Mac OS X allowing multi-network (WCDMA/CDMA/WiMax) hand-over without loss of connection. First MBIM implementations with the USB DataPump.
Provided drivers used by Japanese cellphone vendors for world’s first 3G network deployment. World’s first USB multi-function drivers for Communication Class and MCPC cellphones. MCCI USB DataPump enters mass production as the USB framework for several cell-phone platform vendors. PictBridge and MTP support. First deliveries of USB OTG. Introduced first drivers and firmware supporting the USB NCM specification, as well as drivers supporting the USB EEM specification and Qualcomm RmNet protocol. Introduced the Model 2101 USB 3.0 Connection Exerciser. USB 3.0 SuperSpeed host stack for Windows and the device stack reach production status.
Founded by Terry Moore. Joined USB Implementers Forum. Delivered USB type-1 ATM drivers for ADSL adapters using PPPoA and PPPoE for Windows and Mac OS. Leading independent supplier of firmware and drivers for USB cable modems. USB Test Lab is certified to perform USB-IF logo testing. Introduced USB networking drivers, USB modem drivers, and USB serial drivers, pioneering the use of USB for connectivity applications. Introduced first version of MCCI USB DataPump device framework in 1997.